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Our Current Programs

Vitamin Angels Program

The aim of the program is to reduce under-five child morbidity and mortality in at-risk population by providing children with the necessary vitamin A supplement in partnership with Vitamin International.

Targeted interventions (TI)

It is Prevention interventions that specifically address HRGs (Injecting Drug Users and their Sexual Partners) who are at risk of acquiring or transmitting HIV infection. The central purpose of TIs is to prevent transmission of HIV.

Opioid Substitution Therapy (OST)

To improve the quality of the life of IDUs by stabilizing them and to transition them from the injecting mode of drug administration to non-injecting, thus preventing HIV and other blood borne viruses.

Destitute Welfare Program –

To provide holistic development to the vulnerable, less-privileged and enhance their standard of living through providing health care services, supply of clothes etc.

 TB Control Program

Under “Stop TB” programs, the organization has been collecting Sputum from vulnerable population of different villages in Longleng district and transports it to the Designated Microscopic Centres (DMCs) for testing. Those diagnosed TB+ were being treated by out trained DOTs Provider free of cost and also given cash reward to patients on completion of his/her treatment as per RNTCP treatment guidelines. Besides, the organization also conducts consultation and advocacy meetings with stakeholders of various villages and towns to change their traditional concept of “TB as incurable and communicable disease”.

Staff Capacity Building –

YMS believes that staffs are the pillar of the organization and so we value strengthening their capacity through various in-house trainings in regular basis. Besides, staffs are also sent for exposure visits, outdoor trainings, workshops organized by partner NGOs/Agencies within the State and outside. As a result the performance and skill of staff is enhanced.

Program for PWDs –

The YMS is dedicated to work for the welfare of the persons with disabilities (PWDs), who are often pushed into the most vulnerable position. YMS envisions a society, where PWDs fully and equally participate regardless of their inability and create platform to support them through sensitization and awareness programs, formation and promotion of support group like friends and parents association, connect them to different Govt. Departments / Institutions for necessary support.

 Environment Awareness Programs –

Considering the seriousness of the issue of global warming, the YMS work closely with VDBs, Youth Clubs, Students and Self Help Groups through plantations drive, awareness meeting and seminars, debate, drama, essay competition and poster campaign etc to raise awareness among the public and make environmental protection a people’s movement.